
Maison de la Recherche 5 allées Antonio Machado 31058 TOULOUSE Cedex 9, FRANCE
Bureau B118 (aile B, premier étage)
+33 (0)5 61 50 37 04
Téléphone 2
+33 (0)6 88 11 74 82
Site internet

Discipline(s) enseignée(s)

750 cumulative teaching hours (2006-2016) in Dijon, Toulouse and Albi in :

 urban geography and urban planning
 environmental geography
 geography of services
 economic geography
 geography of Europe
 fundamentals of geography (introduction to geography, geography of populations, regional geography, methodologies and tools)

Thèmes de recherche

Research fields

➥ Environmental geography
 Environmental studies
 Conservation studies

Research objects

➥ Light pollution
 Night-time environment
 Dark ecological networks
 Energy transition
 Ecological transition
 Social-ecological systems

Preferred fieldworks

 Dark sky and Night-time environment protection areas
 Protected areas (National parks & Regional natural parks)
 Urban & Rural ordinary territories

Research programs
2019-2021 : Member of the Fondation de France LARN program (dir. Laurent Godet) — Coastal Artificial light at night.
2019 : Director of the LabEx DRIIHM PYRENEES-P2 program — Pyrenean nighttime environment social-ecological systems monitoring program - Phase 2.
2019 : Member of the LabEx DynamiTe SONATES program (dir. Anne Sourdril) — Listen to the sounds of nature to understand environmental changes.
2018-2019 : Member of the ITTECOP CHIROLUM program (dir. Isabelle Le Viol) — How to limit the impacts of artificial light at night along linear transport infrastructures?
2018 : Director of the LabEx DRIIHM PYRENEES 2018 program — Pyrenean nighttime environment social-ecological systems monitoring program.
2018 : Member of the LabEx DRIIHM GRASP program (dir. Clélia Sirami) — Grassland ecosystem services in the Pyrenees.
2016 : Member of the PEPS CNRS LAPANTE program (dir. Rémi Bénos) — The advent of nocturnal landscapes in the ecological transition: understanding and accompanying the extinction of public lighting.
2015-2017 : Post-doctoral fellow and coordinator of the Transdisciplinary RENOIR program (dir. Pierre-Olivier Dupuy) — Night-time environmental resources, tourism, territories: innovation through the night in the Midi Pyrenees territories.
2014 : Director of the MSHS-T CEPYMAC program — The starry sky of the Pyrenees and the Massif Central: a new environmental resource for mountain territories.
2013-... : Foundation and coordination of the RENOIR research group — Night-time environmental resources and territories
2013 : Post-doctoral fellow, ANR BVD EUREQUA program (dir. Sinda Haoues-Jouve) — Multidisciplinary assessment and environmental requalification of neighbourhoods.
2012 : Research Engineer, ANR MIRO2 program (dir. Arnaud Banos) —Intra-urban modelling of daily rhythms: increasing accessibility to the city to control urban mobility.
2011 : Research Engineer, CDE SEMIPAR program (dir. Philippe Billet) — Military secrecy and public participation in nuclear matters.

Activités / CV

Publications & Communications

Comprehensive list of publications and communications (PDF format, updated on February 26, 2019)

Reviewing for Journals

 Le Naturaliste Canadien [1]
 Sustainability [1]
 Journal of Energy History / Revue d'histoire de l'énergie [1]

Mandates & expertise
2017-2020 : Member of the Individual Follow-up Committee for the thesis of Nicolas Houel (dir. Laurent Lescop) — Pedagogy of sobriety in lighting. Study of the challenges and methods of requalifying the city's public lighting system in Nantes by collecting qualitative and quantitative indicators of night-time ambiences in the city.
2017-2021 : Member of the Scientific Council of the Baronnies provençales Regional natural park.
2016 : Member of the Technical Committee of the Adap'Ter Program, Characterization of the "Dark ecological networkPyrenees national park & Pyrenees ariégeoises Regional natural park.
2016-... : Member of the Paysages, Territoires, Transitions (PTT) network — Ministry of Environment.
2016-... : Member of the Technical Committee of the Cevennes national park International Dark Sky Reserve (IDSR) projectCevennes national park.
2016-2018 : Member of the Technical Committee of the Pic du Midi IDSRPic du Midi.
2015-2017 : Expertise for the TRAMENOIRE Program — Study and research programme for the development of the "Dark ecological network" of the Lille urban area (dir. Magalie Franchomme & Christelle Hinnewinckel).
2015 : Expertise for the Mission d'information Nuisances aéroportuaires, part "Nuisances lumineuses" — French National Assembly, Committee on Sustainable Development and Spatial Planning. Expertise with MPs J.-A. Bénisti and C. Bouillon. Auditioned on 16 December 2015 at the National Assembly, Paris.
2013-2016 : Member of the LONNE (Loss of the night network) — COST action, member of the Working group 3: Quantifying the economic value of nights with near-natural light conditions (dir. Franz Hölker).
2011-... : Member of the Les Nocturnes (Night anthropology) research group (dir. Aurore Monod Becquelin & Jacques Galinier).

University curriculum
2006-2010 : PhD in Geography [UMR CNRS 6049 ThéMA, University of Burgundy]. "Sauver la nuit". Empreinte lumineuse, urbanisme et gouvernance des territoires.
2005-2006 : Master 2 Research in Geography [UMR CNRS 6049 ThéMA, University of Burgundy]. Première approche géographique de la pollution lumineuse.
2004-2005 : Master 2 Research in Climatology [UMR CNRS 5210 CRC, University of Burgundy, as part of the international AMMA research program]. Prévisibilité de la variabilité intrasaisonnière des précipitations de mousson (ONSET) dans les simulations ARPEGE/DEMETER (1979-2001).

Publications extraites de HAL affiliées à Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Solidarités, Sociétés, Territoires (LISST)

Informations complémentaires

 À paraître le 10 octobre 2019 — Éditions Premier Parallèle